Plot your path to financial independence

For over 30 years, I have been helping people to work out what to do with their money.  To answer one important question.

"How much do I need, to live the way I want to for the rest of my life without ever running out?"

It sounds like a financial question and in part it is.  But the key is to work out how you want to live - what it means to you to live well.

I don't write much about financial stuff.  Not about pensions, ISAs, funds etc anyway.  There's plenty of that elsewhere.  

I'm more interested in the living well part and making sure people make good decisions, based on what they need and want.

And since there are more interesting things to think about than financial planning, I'll share a few things that catch my attention along the way.

Thank you for reading this far.  I hope you enjoy my newsletter.


Kevin Steinlechner

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